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January 1st the New Year: Changing Perspectives


We understood that in order to make a difference in the lives of former service members we would need to network together in units or contact teams re-positioned for civilian needs. Bringing the lessons we learned in the service to bear, to make a real impact on the country we fought to defend and would still do so when called upon.  Bringing all this together we created Operation Veterans Promise an organization run by veterans for veterans.  As the world exists today, no organization can start exist long without funding. We traveled around the country in November 2012 meeting with many community leaders, pastors, and concerned citizens along the way to spread our message and more importantly first hand gauge the American population on their attitudes in regards toward our returning heroes. Everyone we met showed endearing gratitude toward our nations veterans and where very receptive of our message. We realized by the end of our trip that the strain of economic hardship has affected everyone, that while most wanted to help in some way, they had to contend with the never ending battle of satisfying immediate demands versus the genuine nature of their kind hearts. Rather than discouragement, we saw only opportunities, so we re-purposed our available resources and sought other avenues of approach in which to secure funding to maintain our mission.


(C3) Communication, Community, Camaraderie

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